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Derived from the Indonesian words "Suka" (to like) and "Bumi" (the earth), Sukabumi captures the enduring allure of natural stone infused with the vitality and energy of nature. Renowned for its iconic use in resort pools across Bali, Sukabumi creates a signature watercolor that’s instantly recognizable.
Island Stone, born in Indonesia with the invention of the pebble tile in 1998, owns its manufacturing facilities, allowing us to deliver Sukabumi Select—a premium product crafted to exacting standards. While local Sukabumi often requires extensive onsite adjustments, Sukabumi Select eliminates this hassle, offering superior squareness, accuracy, thickness, and consistency, ready for seamless installation in the USA.
I know the sq ft area I want to tile. Calculate the number of tiles I need to order.
I know the size of the area I want to tile. Calculate the number of tiles I need to order.
For sq ft, you'll need pieces. (which equals actual square feet). We recommend that you order pieces to cover cuts and future repairs.